Rl-jump :

If Checked : You must enter a key (like example) , with this key you can acces the rocket jump alias.

If you press key x(in this example) you will make a rocket jump.

Hand-switching :

If checked : You must enter a key (like example) , with this key you can acces the hand-switching alias.

If you press the space bar(in this example) your weapon will switch from hands, this is usefull to shoot around corners.

Cl_testlights :

If checked : You must enter a key (like example) , with this key you can acces the Cl_testlights alias.

If you press ctrl(like example) you will get a search light for people that hide in dark corners(btw this is cheating).

Sniperview :

If checked : You must enter a key (like example) , with this key you can acces the sniperview alias.

If you press z(like example) your view will be zoomed in,great for snipering with the railgun!

Quick weapon :

If checked : You must enter a key (like example) , with this key you can acces the quick weapon alias.

If you press n(like example) you will select automatically the best weapon you have(downside is that if you have 48cells for the bfg10k it will still be selected but you can't fire with it :(

Waves :

If checked : You must enter a key (like example) , with this key you can acces the waves alias.

If you press k(like example) you will cycle through the available waves(like taunt,flip off).

Wide angle view:

If checked : You must enter a key (like example) , with this key you can acces the wide angle view alias.

If you press m(like example) your view will become wide.

Create your own alias:

Opens a new window on which you can type your alias.

Save Alias :

If pressed you can view your current settings and save them.